Pokémon, short for “Pocket Monsters,” is a global phenomenon that began in 1996 as a video game by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. Created by Satoshi Tajiri and Ken Sugimori, it quickly evolved from a game into a diversified entertainment franchise encompassing animated series, movies, toys, and, of course, the iconic Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG).
The central premise of Pokémon is the capturing and training of a variety of different creatures, each with their unique abilities and characteristics. Trainers use their Pokémon to battle other trainers, with the goal of becoming Pokémon Masters. With hundreds of species available throughout the different games and trading card series, players have an extensive universe to explore and enjoy.
At Games Lab we offer only the highest quality Pokémon card decks, sourced directly from trusted suppliers. Authenticity and excellence are our promises to you, so you can rest assured that every pack you open is filled with genuine excitement.
In addition, we host regular in-store events every Tuesdays at 7pm where you can meet fellow Pokémon enthusiasts, participate in exciting tournaments, and trade cards with other trainers. We welcome players of all ages and skill levels, so come visit us and bring your friends and family with you!